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This briefing summarises some insights gained from a survey organised by IMI's Global Migration Futures project on perceptions of future migration in the Pacific.

What impact on migration flows might we see should Pacific Island countries favour pursuing political and economic alliances in East Asia? Will Fiji’s general election in 2014 mark the beginning of a series of political reforms and potential political instability in Melanesia? What role will Papua New Guinea, a country with one of the largest and youngest populations in the region, play in shaping the labour market in the future? How and from where will New Zealand attract both higher and lower skilled workers in the future?

These are some questions raised by more than 50 migration experts and stakeholders working within civil society, governments, the private sector, religious institutions, and international organisations in their responses to an online survey disseminated by the International Migration Institute as part of its study of future migration in the Pacific.

Download the full briefing summarising the survey insights

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