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'Refugee voices', new social media and politics of representation: Young Congolese in the diaspora and beyond

Journal article

Marie Godin and Giorgia Doná, (2016), Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees, 32(1), 60 - 71

Moroccan and Congolese Migrant Organizations in Belgium

Book chapter

Marie Godin et al, (2015), The State and the Grassroots: Immigrant Transnational Organizations in Four Continents

Heart of a Mother: Performative Diasporic Engagements with Gender based Violence in the DR Congo

Journal article

Marie Godin, (2015), Journal of Culture and African Women Studies

‘Saving the Congo’: transnational social fields and politics of home in the Congolese diaspora

Journal article

David Garbin and Marie Godin, (2013), The African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal, 6, 113 - 130

Domestic work in Belgium: Crossing boundaries between informality and formality

Book chapter

Marie Godin and In Anna Triandafyllidou (ed.), (2013), Irregular Migrant Domestic Workers in Europe: Who Cares?

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