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Social transformation and migration: An empirical inquiry

Working paper

Hein de Haas and Sonja Fransen, (2018), IMI Working Paper Series, 141, 1 - 40

Renegotiating Religious Transnationalism: Fractures in Transnational Chinese Protestantism

Working paper

Jonathan Tam, (2017), IMI Working Paper Series 140, 1-20

Immigration policy effects – A conceptual framework

Working paper

Liv Bjerre, (2017), IMI Working Paper Series, 139, 1 - 28

The Geography of Anti-Immigrant Attitudes across Europe, 2002-2014

Working paper

Mathias Czaika and Armando Di Lillo, (2017), IMI Working Paper Series, 138, 1 - 19

Visa restrictions and economic globalisation

Journal article

Mathias Czaika and Eric Neumayer, (2017), Applied Geography, 84, 75 - 82

Hopes and fears of migrants’ contribution to political change: A Tunisian case study

Working paper

Marieke van Houte, (2017), IMI Working Paper Series, 137, 1 - 21

Home, sweet home? The effect of return migration support mechanisms on reintegration

Journal article

Marie-Laurence Flahaux, (2017), Space, Populations, Societies

Return Migrations to Africa: Editorial

Special journal issue

Marie-Laurence Flahaux, Bruno Shoumaker, Thierry Eggerickx, (2017), Space, Populations, Societies, 1

Liberia, Ebola and the pitfalls of state-building: Reimagining domestic and diasporic public authority

Journal article

Robtel Neajai Pailey, (2017), African Affairs, 1 - 23

Examining the role of border closure and post-colonial ties in Caribbean migration

Journal article

Marie-Laurence Flahaux and Simona Vezzoli, (2017), Migration Studies, 1 - 22

Liberia’s run-up to 2017: continuity and change in a long history of electoral politics

Journal article

Robtel Neajai Pailey and David Harris, (2017), Review of African Political Economy, 1 - 14

International academic mobility across space and time: The case of Indian academics

Journal article

Mathias Czaika and Sorana Toma, (2017), Population, Space and Place

Global migration futures: Exploring the future of international migration with a scenario methodology

Working paper

Simona Vezzoli et al, (2017), IMI Working Paper Series, 135, 1 - 32

The global evolution of travel visa regimes: An analysis based on the DEMIG VISA database

Working paper

Mathias Czaika, Hein de Haas and María Villares-Varela, (2017), IMI Working Paper Series, 134, 1 - 40

From Radar Systems to Rickety Boats: Borderline Ethnography in Europe’s ‘Illegality Industry’

Book chapter

Ruben Andersson in Alice Elliot, Roger Norum and Noel B. Salazar (eds.), (2017), Methodologies of Mobility: Ethnography and Experiment

The Gravity of High-Skilled Migration Policies

Journal article

Mathias Czaika and Christopher R Parsons, (2017), Demography, 54, 603 - 630

How do Syrian refugee workers challenge supply chain management in the Turkish garment industry?

Working paper

Emre Eren Korkmaz, (2017), IMI Working Paper Series, 133, 1 - 18

Is there a ‘pig cycle’ in the labour supply of doctors? How training and immigration policies respond to physician shortages

Working paper

Yasser Moullan and Xavier Chojnicki, (2017), IMI Working Paper Series, 132, 1 - 37

Here be dragons: Mapping an ethnography of global danger

Journal article

Ruben Andersson, (2016), Current Anthropology, 6

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